Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).
Now this is interesting it Appears NSR died quickly. I wonder how many of the 47,000 came first two weeks. The NSR Affect at it finest. Its safe to say after all the spoon fed bullshit EA fed the sim racing world they have abandonded this title. All that is left to do is make it official which I predict will happen somtime in the next few months. Pressure from Daytona 500 most likley will cause EA to make some "passing blame" sort of statement. Don't expect EA to actually admit they pushed out a "steamer" as to them honesty isn't the way the do business.
The Math
Units: 47,000
Dollar: $1,700,000
Price Per A Unit: $36.17
Development Staff: 14 programmers for 18 months if their salaries were $70,000 (which is a low estimate. Development cost alone ran around $1,470,00. I'm sure Hawkins takes nice lump sum "rehash" fee. (say $200,000 salary). That bumps it up to $1,670,000. Leaving a measly $30,000 to purchase the biased bullshit reviews on this hunk of shit? Yah right...it cost a lot more then that to get the horseshit "at a boys" their press page barfs out
Ironically, the top reviewer (Andy Mahood) is also the same guy who exposed them as a fraud (I can just hear hawkins now chewing out his ass for letting "the cat out of the bag"). Quit fooling yourself james that cat excaped long ago.
The casket has all but been closed on the fucking hunk of shit known as NASCAR SimRacing.
The only problem is EA still holds the "exclusive" and the console sales may not be as bad. We can only hope they too are dive bombing red marks on the profit reports and pray the don't reante in 2009.
As for NASCAR racing on the PC I'm afraid EA has officially torched it and has no intention or sympathy for any of the PC racers....they look at us like we look at NSR ...we are a corpse!