Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).
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EA Does it again..not only do they rehash/re-release the same old crappy games. They bundle NSR 2005 in the 06 Line Up...I can see how NSR (or NASCAR Racing 2005 for PC as the stiffs at redmond called it prior to dropping the axe on online play) belongs with the 06 lineup...all games are equally shitty in there own right (not that EA gives a fuck) but it is now clear why NSR does not have a YEAR associated with it.
You see I believe EA FUCKING Sports is taking their coveted game rehash model to the next level instead of unloading NSR as a repainted piece of shit (as it was originally painted from NASCAR Thunder 2004 (which was re-painted from NASCAR Thunder 2003 (which was repainted from NASCAR revolution))) why not just say fuck the box art and just package it with the yearly duds in an attempts to pry a few more lincolns (the pennies..these crooked bastards wants it all) out of your hand with no investment what so ever.
Gee...Happy FUCKING New Year...we thought NSR was over in 2005 but it seems EA will give us are yearly dose of SHIT for the forseeable future...Next Year when EA is unloading all the 2007 year end duds...I'm sure there will be plenty of copies of NSR still left to serve as stocking stuffers....2009 can't come soon enough!
We are completely dissapointed that CGW was not mentioned in this article. Its a shame what this site has come to. See ya soon. But not in NSR
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:34 PM
Yeah, NSR is so DONE that it is even hard to mention CGW's old ties to the sim anymore...LOL
Here's to hoping that something comes along (built from the ground up) that truly excites sim racers once again.
We ALL deserve it after what EA has done to everyone.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:45 PM
Hey crazy do us a favor seeing your crew did such and outstanding job on NSR could you do the community a favor and please..
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:06 PM
rFactor is the FUTURE!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:52 PM
Appropriately titled "The 06 Collection", precisely what fools will be doing by giving to The "EA Profit Collection".
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:12 PM