
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007 

Tony Stewart = EA Sports Bullshit Pedler for 2008, Tibruon To Rehash "New" Version In Record Time!!

Thats right folks Tony Stewart cashed the check and is EA's new coverboy. He even took time to read the spoon fed bullshit "cue" card and quote.
"Being on the cover of NASCAR 08 is an honor for me and my team," said Stewart, driver of the No. 20 Home Depot Chevrolet for Joe Gibbs Racing. "I am really impressed with the next generation game features and graphics - the realism and authenticity are amazing."
Gee just like it was in 2004 when you graced NASCAR Thunder 2004 and all its "realisim and authenticity". I guarenfuckingtee you tony you would like all that realisim EA sports gives you if it was real life as I'm sure you could use the ablity to do 12 second bristol laps...you sell out FUCK!!!
Second year in a row and still no PC title..you think that ship has been suck?...to the lowest depths would be my guess.
Anyhow I bet tiburon spent all of 3 days creating box art and recompiling 2007 piece of shit..respin, regirgitae, refuckinggret this company ever existed.
BTW don't think the we aren't aware of the new CEO...the fact is he's just another fucking idiot being rewarded for his loyalty to the system...nothing new coming from this monoplistic company.