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Thursday, December 01, 2005

EB Games Purchasers Thrilled To Own NSR

More contradiction between actual end-user experiences vs. EA "on the box" and pre-release marketing hype. NSRWatch wants to share what NSR actually delivered against what was promised since the "supporters" who used to chime in here have been given the "gag order" by their higher ups or have nothing more to enlighten us with regarding the potential consumer restitution and NSR fix that obviously ain't coming!

Greggy D.: 10/19/2005
This so called "sim" is just plain terrible. EA lied about patching this game a second time in the Spring. A second patch was promised in April and still has not come out yet (it's almost November). The first patch basically fixed NOTHING. If you try and race offline, the flag bugs will bite you in the rear and you will NOT be able to finish a race without incident. Don't waste your time or money.

The EA hype machine sold a lot of copies back in February, but I will not fall for it again.

Kevin R: 10/6/2005
First off the last reviewer Ryan doesnt have the slighest idea what a sim racer is if he said Nascar 2003 is easy. That was and still is "the best racing sim" ever. Period. If you want to argue that point you are an stupid. This game EA made is horrible. I feel that this was some sort of joke they played on us with there title, SimRacing. Far from it, this games falls short just as all EA's past racing titles. I really do wish they had a winner so I could retire my good 4 year old racing game.

One of the worst racing games I have ever played....NASCAR 2003 Papyrus is by far the best NASCAR game ever made....Its too bad EA bought the rights to create NASCAR games, I really doubt EA will ever make any NASCAR game that can compete with NR2003....EA SUKS!!!

Steve Mccleary: 5/25/2005
Just like the real NASCAR. It sucks!! It doesn't even come close to Seirra/Paprus. What would you expect from the same who owns the rights to NFL And this also. Their ps2 games are just like the arcades that you put money in. Somebody please come up with something that is realistic. I don't care if its go karts. Untill then keep your old Seirra/Paprus

Papyrus racing sims were the most realistic racing simulations money could buy (within reason). Sweet graphics, detailed and intense gameplay. But this...Is not Papyrus. Graphics will slow down your computer like a congressional fillibuster. Sigh... please get someone who is actually serious about making the most realistic racing sim ever into the drivers seat of the next racing sim.

Derek Queen: 3/25/2005
Wow..Never have a played a sim that sux this bad...Grahpics, horrible, game play and realism...not even close. Sounds arent right. The way u setup ur car is acward. And the false pictures and information. To play multiplayer u need the patch. AKA Never going to come out. Releasing unfinished games. I mean so much work yet such a piece. Really guys,Did u expect any better from EA. Cause i know i didnt. What i think that EA should have done is teamed up with the people who made the other Sim, Like Brain Ring, People form Papy and Sierra, then maybe it would be better. Ryan Newman Claims best Sim..Shoot Not even close.

We have got to stop supporting these companies that release unfinished products! Bugs i can understand but this is ridiculous! You can`t even play the "sim" with flags turned on, the damage effects are just small dents because any more than that and you are instantly out of the race! Read the box because there is no support for dialup, and its been out for over a month and no patch when there are very obvious problems, looks like they want to be super heros and try to fix everything with one patch, the "sim" is garbage another couple of years and some new programers might make it alright. I suggest you go to ea sports forums to find out about all the bugs too many to list here, oh and of course there forums work about as well as their "sim", just make sure you have lots of time!!!!

What a complete joke. Papy reins again.
This game was released not even finished. This is the joke of the year.
What game publisher releases a game still in a beta form. this thing has so many flaws
it's utterly unacceptable in the world of gaming today as we know it.

Thought this time maybe EA had something. they have something alright. It needs to be scooped up
from the lawn and disposed of.

the graphics are horrible as well. Jaggies the likes I haven't seen since Quake 2 days....


Ron Willmott: 3/16/2005
This game was released in an incomplete state.
EA needs to release a patch to make this game playable.


I played the demo and it is mediocre in the fullest sense of the word - there is absolutely NOTHING INSPIRING about this game, nor about anything that EA publishes.

Graphics, sounds, physics - they're all just BLAH! It's as if EA simply tweaks a few things and spends 95% of their entire budget for each and every game on TV commercials and a new shiney box (so they can charge $50 instead of the $10 that this "expansion pack" warrants).

If you guys want the best racing game to come along since Gran Prix Legends, I would seriously suggest Simbin's GTR-FIA - download the demo - will be released in the US mid-March and is the best racing sim yet - it definitely makes Simracing seem like an Atari 2600 game.

BOYCOTT EA - Monopolies are a bad thing - higher prices, abismal effort, and fewer choices are what us as consumers are going to be stuck with if EA continues it's current course.

This is the worst driving game I have ever played, except for the Thunder games. EA's "new and improved" game engine is over 2 years old, how is that new. DO NOT waste your money on this if you plan on buying a SIM, NR2003 is ages old but it's a million times better. This game is so bad I took it back to the store the next day to get my money back.
EA might get the SIM part right in a couple years.

EA's "big" attempt at NASCAR falls short. This "game" is barely up to par with Papy's Nascar Racing 3 which was released when? 1999? Today is 2005. For the arcade and load up and go users, this game is for you, but for the hardcore sim community GO BACK TO NASCAR RACING SEASON 2003 and keep it updated with project wildfire mods or whatever you use. NR2003 should be THE benchmark for any future NASCAR sims.

EA's Simracing shows potential in all areas but just doesnt have the zing like Papyrus' sims.

THis is by far the worst sim racing game ive seen yet, dont even get me started on the engine sounds, and the Starting line up Video was even worse, I dont know how EA gets away with making this crap and it makes me wonder how much Papyrus actually put into it, obviously not much. For now ill stick to XBOX's Chase for the cup 05 its way better, i still cant be leave how bad this looks.it looks like they spent all there time on the graphics which still arent that great.

I say waste your money on something else

Moezilla .: 2/18/2005
I see EA has done what it had to do to stifle the competition. No, I don't mean put out a superior product since they have yet to do that with ANY of their NASCAR titles but now that they have sole licensing (same ploy they pulled to try to knock out ESPN's NFL franchise, afraid ESPN with a more aggressive price point and a QUALITY product would force them to do more than update the same game every year) for NASCAR and Papy isn't around anymore, they still cannot put out a decent NASCAR sim. Now they're calling this "NASCAR sim racing", coupling the words sim racing with EA Sports is a huge misnomer as they haven't a clue what a sim should be.

Played the demo, it's a joke. Will not drop money on this game as I've never dropped a dime on an EA racing game since they burned us with NR and their lying BS on the old NR BB.

You want real racing, update NASCAR 2003 by Papy every year. In 10 years it'll still be light years ahead of any EA offering.

Mike T: 2/18/2005
This was very poor attempt by EA Games to put out a NASCAR game that wasn't an arcade game. This is just Thunder in a new box. Never have I played a NASCAR game at Daytona that wasn't fun...that is until now. It's ridiculous that in a "Sim" NASCAR game you can hit an opposing driver right in the corner of their rear bumper, and they hardly even get loose, let alone spin. Besides the awful gameplay, it's appalling to think that EA Sports, the God of sports video games in the world, can't even update their cars when their game comes out. Several of this years NASCAR's Nextel Cup racers aren't even in the game. I try to have an open mind about any new NASCAR game that comes, but this was a tremendous disappointment. It's pathetic that NASCAR Racing 2003, even without any modding, still blows "Sim"Racing out of the water. Don't waste your hard earned $40.00, like I did, on this sad attempt by EA, just buy a copy of NASCAR Racing 2003 for a fraction of the cost. (NSRWatch correction....since time of this reviewer's post, Papy's NR2003 cost has skyrocketed...thanks again EA)

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I order to get any fucking dumber you would have to gain weight. You have already exceeded your maximum density for fucking stupidity, if you think anyone is really giving a shit about your fucking rantings. You must really have no fucking life or job, if you've got this much time on your hands. What the fuck are you bitching about anyway? The rest of us pay for your games and fucking broadband connection, when you receive the fucking welfare check and foodstamps every month. So how can you talk about sueing somebody for something you got for free anyway manwithdickinface. God damn I've seen stupid and then you came along. Did your parents really screw to get you, or did your dad vomit on a pile of shit your mom dropped in order to fertilize it? Jesus fucking christ son of Mary what the fuck is wrong with you? A god damn magic eight ball would be stumped by your utter fucking stupidity. Have a nice day Huckleberry, god truly shines on the friggin retards

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