Well, since NSRWatch has been labelled "full of shit", the "joke of the sim community" etc. we thought we'd share some of the heaps of praise bestowed upon it by its purchasers. And this is only one retailer.
Perhaps we should take some excerpts from the Sim Racing Community forums as well so buyers can continue to be told that "there is nothing wrong with NSR, the flags are fucked up because you don't know how to play the game and follow the rules."
Be sure to reserve your copy today after the glory of 18 months of development is read below from amazon.com buyers. And remember, the CUSTOMERS have spoken. Looks a bit different than what the HYPE MACHINE and "greased" gaming sites promised.
Absolute junk., September 29, 2005
Once again, EA has graced us with a completely worthless NASCAR game. If having competition (Papyrus) for previous releases didn't spur them to try to do better, what makes you think they would put out a superb effort with NO competition? James Hawkins has replaced former mouthpiece and propaganda-meister Ed Martin for this version, and has seemed to have learned the art of BS very well. Shoddy physics, buggy rules implementation, inability to have 43 racers online at one time, missing car makes, the EA way is back in full force.
Despite this dreck of a product, there is one diamond in the rough. The cockpit is the best looking one ever seen in any NASCAR game, even surpassing that from Papyrus' standard setting NASCAR Racing 2003 Season. Whoever was the artist on it did a truly masterful job.
But a pretty cockpit is not worth putting up with this mess. You'd be better served simply flushing your $40 down your home toilet: it would be quicker, and would not waste precious resources such as gas (in shipping it). The only thing keeping this product from attaining Daikatana status is the fact it took 18 months to finish. Then again, considering this is merely a sloppy rehash of the NASCAR Thunder code base, 18 months spent on this does boost it into the same realm as Mr. Romero's infamous P.O.S.
If you enjoy getting ulcers, want to tear your hair out in frustration, or enjoy screaming at things that do not work, then this definitely is the game for you. Otherwise, take a cue from Nancy Reagan and JUST SAY NO.
race sims are suppossed to be a stress reliever., August 16, 2005
I picked up this game within the first week or so of it hitting the shelves. After dealing with the flag issues on just about everytime I played, I put it away and waited for a patch to be released to try again. After downloading the patch I loaded up, hit the track, was running in the lead, caution came out, slowed and followed the pace car per the screen directions and when the green flag came out I was disqualified. The graphics are nice the sound is really fantastic but the playability is hiddious. I have so many mods and extra tracks for Nascar Racing 2003 that I will just keep playing that until someone can show me that the folks at EA really put out something that does not get me in trouble with the wife for "getting mad at the dumb game".
I got ripped off, July 25, 2005
This game is not playable, EA Sports did not get the basics right. For instance random black flags, and ejections from races. The online code is horrible. They promised a patch, we got it. It did not fix much. I feel like I donated $40 to EA because I used it a few times and it was not playable. Save your money. Stick with NASCAR Racing 2003, it's light years ahead of EA's SimRacing 2005.
everything a game shouldn't be- SHAME on EA!, June 12, 2005
Two words: it sucks!! I sold mine on eBay and got some money back. EA makes some good games and why they'd put out a stinker like this is beyond me.
This game sucks. Big surprise., May 30, 2005
EA has failed once again.If you are looking for a realistic Nascar sim, then do not buy this game, or any other Nascar game from EA Sports for that matter.The graphics on this game are great, but the whole thing is just so unrealistic.I really thought it would be different this time but as always EA does not live up to my expectations. If you want a true Nascar sim any of the Nascar games from Papyrus is your best bet, i highly recommend Nascar racing 2003 season, 2002 season, or nascar racing 4 all Papyrus games.
broken out of the box, May 28, 2005
As far as Ea's Sim racing goes the graphics are great and the car physics are good.However the game fails to meet its name as a Nascar Sim since the only way to play online is without flags since the flag code of the program is broken and obviously broken out of the box.EA's half hearted attempt at fixing this problem in its patch was at best laughable.EA needs to step-up and find a fix for the flag issues asap,and also needs to address the ranking system that they advertise the game has which is also broken.
As far as I am concerned just calling this game a Sim is false advertising since it can't come close to simulating a Nascar race in multiplayer mode.
Time for EA to step up!, May 26, 2005
It is time for EA to step up to the plate and fix the bugs in this game. EA is more concerned on making Nascar 2006 than fixing this one. They advertised a product that doesn't work with the gaming community and have cost a lot of people time and money. We "ALL" have been USED as Beta testers!!!! Don't waste your money on this crap. I will not buy another game that has EA anywhere on it. In my opinion, they should refund everyone who has spent countless hours "beta testing" this game trying to figure out a way to get this crap game to work with flags without getting disqualified!! What a complete waste...
It's Not In The Game, May 23, 2005
As adverttised on the box,the box promises online racing with 43 drivers racing on the same track.(when you race any more than 17 online the flags don't work at all ).The ranking system promised does'nt work either( ex. it takes away points for bump drafting at restrictor plate tracks). As far as leagues go, the league organizers have to call their own flags which most of the time causes a war with players because they missed somthing and which results with players quiting.I bought this game because I wanted a sim racing experience not the arcade kidde version you sold me for 40 bucks. Now everytime i see the EA games commercial i really laugh when they say its in the game because its not in this one. I've given my game discs to my 2yr old he has fun playing frisbee with them . I will never buy a game again unless a read reviews other than the ones posted on Ea's site because i now know they were tainted by the allmighty dollar and if Ryan Newman played this game that i have he must be blind.This is to the Nascar stars dont do endorsements for products that you dont test yourself .Bottomline everyone pass on this game unless you find out they fixed the problems in a more current review.
We need Papyrus Back - EA Missed the Boat, May 21, 2005
Ridiculously buggy even after the patch. If there is a yellow flag, chances are you will be blackflagged and taken out of the race. Trying to bring in the elements of sponsorship and working your way through the different divisions was a great concept, too bad what should be the easiest part to program (the NASCAR rules themselves) turn this game into an unplayable mess.
I guess we're left with an aging Papyrus Nascar Racing 2003 as the only decent NASCAR sim.Joke of a game, May 18, 2005
This is an absolute joke of a game. If a car spins and you pass them to proceed to the yellow, you are disqualified for passing a car after the yellow comes out. If you stop behind the car that spun, you are disqualified for going too slow under caution. In other words, if any car spins in front of you, you are disqualified. This is true even with the patch. This game is proof that EA cares about nothing but the bottom line. It is not playable.
NASCAR THUNDER 2005, May 12, 2005
Don't let the new title fool you this is nothing more then NASCAR Thunder 2004 tweaked and updated. The engine is exactly the same. This game was released as a beta and has not been playble online (as it was advertised it would be). EA has spent 4 months developing a patch that didn't fix anything other then add more problems.
The game was suppose to be the NASCAR Racing 2003 replacement. Unfornately EA spent all there money on marketing/hype lies instead of making a game that can actually be a replacement. Of all the racing leagues on the net. I don't think any of them switched to this. In fact NSR is pretty much a standing joke of the community and gives you a bad taste in your mouth just thinking about it.
EA had there one chance with SimRacing and they blew it as far as I'm concerned. I seriously doubt they will patch this thing up to anything playable (like they promised) and the next great patch will be NSR 2006. I for one doubt anyone is going to be fooled this time.
We didn't like crappy NASCAR Thunder before you bought out papyrus (EAs exclusive NASCAR deal) and we certainly don't like it afterwords!
In closing avoid NSR like the plague
Don't Buy This (...), May 1, 2005
Everything the 1 star reviews are saying is true. EA sports has taken a great game and screwed it up beyond words. Buy Nascar4 from Sierra, if you can still find it. It is head and shoulders above this. To the reviewer saying people need to check their min req. I'm running top of the line baby. And that's not the problem anyway. The problem is with the way the game plays. Under yellow if you try and follow the spotter you get blacked flagged, if you follow common sense you get blacked flagged, etc... Anybody that has even the most general understanding of Nascar rules would know in a second what is wrong with this. I know there are going to be some people that don't understand Nascar and say "look at how great the cars look, etc.." but it doesn't matter how pretty it is, if it has so many bugs in it that you can't even play it. If you spent your money on this, and you don't like it, you only have your self to blame. You have been warned!
What a piece of garbage., March 7, 2005
EA has proven they are BAD for gamers. Their exclusive licensing has done nothing but harm gaming for all gamers. This product is a prime example, its outrageously poor.
The graphics look like something from 10 years ago. How can you release a game with graphics that look like a 2 year old drew them? I recommend going to an importer and ordering the new GTR FIA GT instead, its heaven sent compared to this EA garbage.
Keep it up EA, keep releasing the garbage games.. Best anyone can do is to just globally boycott EA games.
Unplayable, March 6, 2005
Yes, the graphics aredisappointing, and the game physics lags well behind Papyrus's NASCAR Racing 2003. But what really takes the cake with this game is the bugginess, especially with yellow and black flag rules. Under a yellow flag, you follow the on-screen and spotter directions, and you will likely get black-flagged for passing someone you weren't supposed to. if you slow down to get in the right spot, you will be black flagged. If there is a wreck in front of you and you pass a wrecked car after the caution - black flag! I tried about 30 times and not ONCE did I finish a race without getting black flagged for some absurd reason. Papyrus figured out how to fix these problems years ago, but the EA monopoly doesn't have to, apparently. NASCAR SimRacing is an absolutely unplayable game and I have sent it back for a refund. Don't waste your time and money!
Don't Bother, March 1, 2005
Please Don't Throw your money away.
There are so many errors in the game, it is almost impossible to play till they come out with patches to fix the game. There is major issues with Black Flag and Yellow Flag rules. You can be black flaged for no reason. The Graphics are no better than Nascar 2003. If you don't believe me check out all the sim racing forums and see what they are saying about this game before you buy, and you will see that it is not worth the $40.
Very Sad!, February 24, 2005
Right now, you can buy EA sports Nascar Thunder 2004, new ,for under 10 dollars on this web site.Nascar 2003, by papyrus, has 4 used copies for 60 dollars.And it's 2 years old. You do the Math!After seeing the Demo I can only imagine what kind of a let down this game is going to be.Hold on to your copy of 2003 real tight!Sierra, please come back
You'll be sorry, February 22, 2005
Uninstalled this peice of garbage today. This game definately does not live up to the hype. Is it better than Thunder 04? maybe. Is it a realistic Nascar sim? NO. If your looking for a Sim Nascar Game buy anything made by Papyrus Racing Games. From Nascar 4 to Nascar 2003. They are not perfect but they are way closer than this. I really had my hopes up that EA would get it right this time but once again they fell way short. EA has exclusive rights to Nascar Sims now and since there is no competition they don't have to worry about making anything better. I've been racing online for 4 years and playing racing games for several years before that. If your looking for a new racing game even if it's not a Nascar game for the PC look elsewhere GTR and R Factor come to mind as games that show way more promise than this one.
I'd give it 0 stars if I had the option, February 21, 2005
I don't own the game but have played the demo and it is no better than last year's offering. They've had the field all to themselves for the last two years and it is still only 1/10th the game that Papyrus put out 2 years ago. What a joke!!! I wouldn't buy this on a dare.
NSRWatch appreciates being called full of shit. Come on EA, what do you have to say to these happy customers?
I am somewhat serious with this post. I want NR2003. I have sim racing and I am dissapointed. The game just isn't that great. It seems true, because the only NR2003 i've seen is on amazon.com for $128.00.
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Anonymous |
2:50 PM