Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).
Like you were ever going to shut down your site.looool. You did say if they released "A patch" , you sound like a used car salesman. tis tis.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:07 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:12 AM
take a look at EA's down load site and you will asee what i mean
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:12 AM
Sounds to me someone doesn't want to keep their end of the deal. EA released the patch, servers were full of racers with all kinds of great racing,not a whole lot of issues reported.....hmmmm, I smell bullshit.Most men would admit when they are wrong,apparently you are not a man but maybe a LIAR! I have to go with EA on this one, they delivered and NSR watch did not.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:43 AM
EA may very well have delivered a year later but at least they will deliver. We all know damn well jh4242 aka Manwithoutaface aka John124142142 or whoever the hell he wants to be this week will never hold up his end of the deal. That by the way he made without anyone matching his deal. Why am I even wasting Key Strokes.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:30 AM
Patch is out. Time to close shop son. Oh wait we know that you wont hold up to what you said. Why are we all even wasting Keystrokes here. By the way if this post is duplicated in some way because of this top notch quality 5 minute put together website. You know "which is basicly the AOL of free scripts". Also keep this in mind. Being taken up on your or not is not even an issue. Let me remind you of one of your statements ass face. "THE BET STANDS!!...I Don't expect CGW or Hog54 to lay anything on the line as they are COWARDS and will not back up their own claims!"
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:36 AM
People like this moron wont never get it. He wont even try out the patch, he just wants to bash bash bash. If u dont like snr, u dont have to play it asshole. Do us all a favor and leave the nsr community alone.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:11 AM
go play your fucking console games fucker
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:25 AM
People like this moron wont EVER get it
double negitives really prove your a jack ass vckr25
AND JH4242 i can call my isp and they can cal lthe athorities and they can shut this site down like that all it needs is one call
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:30 AM
do it you illiterate dork ...
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:54 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:38 PM
CGW an Hog54 didn't bet shit...EA released an unsupported fuckers act like EA did you a favor
CGW-RacerBoy54 like your php nuke "aol of free script" sites can call the authorities all you want...we all know you are crazyjnutz...LOL
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:27 AM
no im a separate person jack ass
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:41 AM
would he do this sdfkjshdfkdsalkfhglsjdgfkshdfglkhsdglfkhdkgdsfklsgfklsdfkshdgfhjsdgfjhksagdjfkhgdjkhgdsfjkhgsdjkfhgsdjgjkdshfgdfgsjkhdfghjksdsdvkjsldkvfs;jgh;dlrgalfl;xfglj;hdfgjahdfgkjdhfgjhdfjgh'sg'fjvlmcxnvsdah;jfh'lskj'l;j'dk;f';sdf WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:44 AM
ALL RIGHTY Then....let's hop on those NSR servers and get them JOYPADS rarin' to go.
To all those who had to get introduced to sim racing by this fucking joke of a title called NSR...sit tight......someone will come in and bring back QUALITY.
Enjoy Nascar Thunder 2006 with some more window dressing!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:43 PM
hey dick,
2. AND JAMES HAWKINS HAS AS MUCH ACESS TO THE SITE AS YOU DO, he was the one who put it up
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:00 AM
This site should be offered an award for its honesty. EA knew right off they f'd up when ntr & other advanced sim racers left after they saw the ignorance in the development side of things and then ea gets the stupidest group in world to test. its a known fact papy is/was the best release version of any Nascar sim, money brought it out of distribution and now complete fools are trying to say they know racing. it is so unfortunate that the web has made it so easy for even the dumbest fools to write and claim their knowledge of anything, and when it is seen or used by experienced or educated people the true nature of the mistake is highlighted in low sales, laughing stock of support, and total community embarassment making for constant excuses of why, we didn't, never, we're right, so on ..... IRacing will be something to behold, rfactor (and certain mod groups) show tremendous promise, so as a community if you tried nsr, cgw or ea racing, don't be down on yourselves, your experience in "real sim" racing can be corrected to reflect a more natural comparitive experience very soon
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:58 AM
I'm really sick and f'n tired of people messing up a thread that was designed to help the community. I am just about to the point of saying "screw it" and just forget about it.
1) I clearly stated that I was getting a patch released to make the game at least "Playable"
2) I clearly stated that there was still a few bugs that will appear.
What I am attempting to do is to have 25 drivers help to test different "Rules" Timers settings with a controlled environment to try to reduce bug appearances..
I will not put up with this crap anymore........
Consider yourself warned..........._________________
for such a great game ... shheesshh piece o shit ....
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:53 PM
I am just about to the point of saying "screw it" and just forget about it.
May as well..EA already said that!!...LOL AT YOU ..YA MISERABLE FUCK!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:45 AM
Here at we are excited to bring you a NSRwatch exclusive news story. It appears as a result of CGW's continued support of EA Sports amazing NASCAR simulation (NSR), has according to preliminary sales reports resulted in huge gains. The sim is flying off the shelves at a rapid pace. The huge increase in sales is believed to be, in large part due to paralleled support of CGW’s 3rd grade educated development staff.
With key additions to CGW’s core group, Hog54 and JoeB, success on the current project is nearly guaranteed. Hog54 and JoeB, both are widely acknowledged by the majority of the sim racing community as top notch conversion hacks. We we're able to sit down with JoeB and discuss the current state of development on their 2006 Acceleration mod. Joe informed us that currently, the key development team was stretched thin. They currently have their hands full working on the highly anticipated physic update. Robert Roop a.k.a. Professor Roop who heads up the physics department for the team has had to deal with substantial delays, waiting on key updates from JoeB and his crew. Joe informed us that it has taken a lot more time then previously anticipated ripping physics from Nintendo’s cult classic SNES hit Mario Kart. Joe and Robert are in agreement that the new physics directly ported from the SNES simulation originally released Sep. 1, 1992 should provide never before imagined feel and realism to NSR. What more would one expect form the reigning kings of simulation. I for one can’t wait!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:27 AM
The only support you need is a sports bra and some Midol.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:36 PM
Dude get your facts straight before you post. I am not waiting on Hog or Joe for any "key Updates" as you put them. Oh and by the way. Your just stumped on how I changed the physics so you call it 3rd grade???? What is 3rd grade though is the sorry excuse of a website and your futile attempt to bash Nascar Simracing. ALL games even the beloved pappy 03 was made great by the modding community Nascar Simracing is no less of that. So I challenge you to this....Why not get off your lazy ass and help the community, instead of hiding behind a website aimed at bashing a game. Get over it you lost you have no clue as to what can be done with this game. you claim so many things but yet to produce any evidence of those claims anywhere except for your postings here. Wich I have to point out you lie about what others say and edit posts. Talk about 3rd grade? Get a clue and grow up.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:44 PM
cgw is laughing stock of sim world .... dmp amd others will openly tell you they are idiots.... those guys look like a casting call for Napoleon Dynamite movie. hilarious to watch, they have no concept of data; physics; graphics or anything else. we don't support ea, we do support ea, we are ea, who is ea ... lmao!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:16 AM
The "unsupported" patch did not fix anything.........We are back to running admin flags again. A lot of my guys have up and quite this sorry excuse of a sim. You still get penalties for no reason. CGW is claiming it to be driver error, I call bullshit on that!! We have run as many laps on this patch testing it as anyone else.........does not work!!! You can run with the flags on, but you are almost guaranteed someone is going to get penalized for nothing........which is not acceptable for league racing. It may alright for all the Tally and Tona open server noobs, which is obviously where this patch must have been tested, but once trying to run some races at other tracks, BAM black flag for leaving the pits too slow (WTF), BAM black flag for performing the lucky dog (was told to) have to wait for entire field, Bam black flag for others waiting on you, Bam black flag for whoever spins behind the guy who brings out the black flag, BAM black flag for anyone who doesn't wait for the spinner to recover....bunching up the back of the field half a lap back from the leader...........what joke, and a complete waste of time wating for this damn thing.....all the while, the only response we get from anyone is that you are not paying attention the what the game is telling you..........I call bullshit on that also.......Now, I appreciate all of the efforts that went in to getting something released......supported or un-supported, but......time to move on, either back to nr2003 or on to rF SCE, anything is better than this crap!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:21 AM
Anyone that gives that group a mins time of anything is just as ignorant as them. my god, whoever praises hog and joeb has to be off their f'kn rocker. hog was banned from dmp, joe is nothing but a file hack, does not know a thing about integral coding or programming, likes to thug people. none of them would know a physic if it drove to the house, irocs with 1 setup for every track is plain stupid,and EA's choice of a program director for a southern stock car series is just the icing on the cake ... Get Real, get rfactor or nr2k3
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:43 AM
Ignorant, I am not. But do appreciate the effort either way. Hog isn't anything but a trouble maker and I stay clear from any type of posting war with him or any of the other fanboys. But, the game is a piece of crap, always has been and always will be. Broke right out of the box. Will not buy another EA racing game, they have lost my business. The lack of support and hiding from public forums, not answering questions or the demand from the public shows no character, and then to post an "un-supported" patch was just totally un-acceptable. Our league will be switching sims and will not be looking back to anything that EA releases in the future.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:53 AM
FUCK IT!, this site is going down i have reported it to
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:49 PM
Lil twit ... even cgw is mad only 6 people like this piece of shit
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:26 AM
oh and what if we don't have nr2003, i was going to get it, but ya know what people who say heat is dumb and say, it is not played online anymore and has no support anymore, WRONG! DEAD WRONG!,,,
still i play nsr, cause THE NOOBS DO COME TO THE MICHIGAN RACES!, there is nothign wrong with admin called flags, wanan know why, most leagues include car packs with drivable pace car, and ya know what A PACE CAR THAT IS REALLY THERE AND IS DRIVEN BY A REAL PERSON IN THE SERVER!, IS BETTER THEN A GOST CAR!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:53 PM
there ya go, racerboy proves it is not wise to breast feed from your fathers nipples .... glad that dumb fuck is in the nsr group :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:12 AM
(shoots himself)
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:09 AM
seems you the stupid fuck, stupid fuck
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:10 AM