
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).

Have a problem with this, me or the website? Please bitch about it in our Forums or email me at themanwithoutaface@gmail.com

Friday, April 14, 2006 

Unsupported Patch = Unrecognized By NSR Watch...We Ain't Going Anywhere!!

Reports are flooding in on flaws in EA's latest HUNK of shit!

No one was man enough to take me up on my wager.

All you asskissers who are thanking EA/CGW are the biggest victims yet...don't you understand this is the deathmark...the white flag...the fucking END ...ea has abandoned the PC platform...and you let them off the hook with this hunk of shit.

NSR Watch RIGHT Again.

Have a problem with this, me or the website? Please bitch about it in our Forums or email me at themanwithoutaface@gmail.com

Thursday, April 13, 2006 

Long Time NSR Watch Correspondent Ends Run At Blackhole Motorsports With A Ban!

The Banning of jh4242 saddens and shocks the racing community as Blackhole Motorsports sends a clear signal to the racing commuity that they could give a rat's ass about honesty and integrity, but would instead like to align themselves with other corperate cash cows (EA Sports) and milk that pig for everything it is worth. As many posters noted during jh4242's last days
"Stayed away from BH for a while. To much BS" Squish
"Yes its a shame at how bhm has become a un managed battle ground" Joe B. jr.
"Damn our feelings on the matter. F*** that! " Basher EJS
"I can paint a breadbox." Hog54
"I wish an admin would take control .......they serve no purpose.There are people here looking for information,and it sucks" Buschwacker97
"Every single thread in these forums are tainted ... So you can kiss my ass. I am so tired of coming to BHMS ...it has flat out become a joke. ...If BHMS removes my account it wont hurt my feelings at all. By the way BHMS why dont you ban all my @teamcgw.com email accounts like you did my @crazygameworld.com accounts. " crazyjnutz
So is all lost with BHMS...well yah..but FUCK THEM the community is on to them...they can have there little NSR board as its the only crowd attracted to there forum (all 10 which 1/2 are cgw members)
When NSR Watch has something to say it will take all of 5 minutes to setup a new account...the banning is NOT the issue...its the stance they have taken..."fuck free speach give us your money"
jh4242 will ride again.....COUNT ON IT!!

Have a problem with this, me or the website? Please bitch about it in our Forums or email me at themanwithoutaface@gmail.com


What All NSR Fans Have Been Waiting For Will Be Released Friday 4/14/2006 (spoof)

ROFL Special Thanks to the NSR Watch fan that sent this in! Hillarious...keep em coming

Have a problem with this, me or the website? Please bitch about it in our Forums or email me at themanwithoutaface@gmail.com

Monday, April 10, 2006 

NSR Watch To Put Their Own Ass On The Line To Prove Once An For All CGW Is Full Of SHIT!!!

TM-WOAF Posted this on bhmotorsports.com

"I'm so CONVINCED the patch will not come out on friday 4/14/2006 I will put my website on the line...If the patch comes out I will close my website and quit posting here forever. Maybe Hog54 and the rest of CGW (buschwacker, crazyj,etc) can quit paying lip service to EA long enough to put there asses on the line? I wouldn't count on it...ROFL"


It seems the 54 in hog's name is actaully a gay term...going 54 (coming out), he's 54 (he's gay), 54 (two males engaging)...LOL you get the point. Thanks to the "54" reader for sending these explanations in.

BTW rumor is TeamCGW.com is going to change their names to Team54.com LOL