
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).

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Monday, October 31, 2005 

Former NSR User Makes His Stand, Rallies Others To File Complaints Against EA Sports.

If you folks are as upset as I am over EA's lies, and shoddy workmanship, I would suggest you contact your state Attorney General's office, and file a complaint.

It only takes a few minutes of your time, and the cost of a postage stamp. Some states have online capability.

Most Attorney Generals will request the address and phone number of the company... Electronic Arts
209 Redwood Shores Pkwy
Redwood City, CA 94065
PH 650-628-1500
FAX 650-628-1414

Plus a few tidbits you may not know....
Mr Lawrence F Probst CEO - salary 680k in cash - 11.91m in options. Hmmm...gets paid pretty well for screwing the public.

Here Here, we are upset and support this effort 100%.

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Magic Thursday: NSR Beta Testing Insider Volume 0

Volume 0: Preview

Welcome, to volume 0 edition of MAGIC Thursday. NSR Watches new weekly interview with an actual beta tester working on EA NASCAR SimRacing.

NSR Watch, has decided to take a new approach towards the beta testers and let them have their say on this website. They have a clean slate with me as I believe most of them are frustrated with EA Sports as I and 99% of those who bought it.

I look forward to bringing you these weekly Q&As on the excitment of NSR coming out of the thursday test sessions.

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Sunday, October 30, 2005 

NASCAR Simracing Patch 2 Detailed Screen Shot Released!!

NSR Watch Wishes Everyone
A Happy Halloween!

I'm taking bets that we will be waiting at Thanks Giving, Christmas and Easter. Any Takers?

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Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Halloween EA Style, Freebies GALORE!! (spoof)

I don't know whats scarier Mrs. Hawkin's Teeth or the picture of the zombie on the wall. Hope that kid doesn't look to its right as it will probably soil its diapers and be having nightmares well into its teens.

Certainly James doesn't see much sun light. Then again if I was responsible for the piece of shit in that basket I wouldn't go outside either and would probably would be in hiding also (james quit going to 'magic thursdays').

I'm going to get out my ouija board on halloween night and ask the after life "where is my patch"....

doesn't james have that 'glow' like he always has to pinch one off? LOL

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Friday, October 28, 2005 

NSR Watch Presents George W. Bush, With A Special Award For His Outstandings Service.

NSR Watch is proud to present our President Of the United States George W. Bush and his 38% approval rating with the second ever NSR Shit Award. Awarded for there lack of excellence and EA Style of service WAY TO GO GWB!!!

Pretty Pathetic huh?

Milk is 3 bucks a gallon, gas is more expensive then milk, we are still looking for those WMDs, Congress is on to your Cronie nominations and old men live in attics in New Orleans.

Enron and the airlines get to continually walk away from billions in losses via bankruptcy protection while the rest of hard working Americans get harrassing phone calls when their $100 Exxon bill goes overdue. And speaking of Exxon.....have you seen the latest profit report?

Enough is Enough!! (and I'm a Republican).

May you and your right hand man Karl Rove get indited and sentenced to life for crimes against humanity

How the hell would GWB know whats going on anyhow he has spent 20% of his term on vacation in the "fortress of solitude" (intentional tiburon superman reference) in his palace in crawfard, texas.

Fucking Rich People!!!


"There's no question that the minute I got elected, the storm clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead." -George W. Bush, May 11, 2001

The only truth GWB ever told!

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Well Respected Stock Broker And Fan of EA, Blows Whistle And Warns,"EA's stock is kryptonite"


The result: EA is a $50,000 BMW of a stock -- great quality, lousy price. According to the calculator's analysis of EA's likely cash flows, discounted to their present-day value, EA shares are worth just $47 -- more than $10 less than today's price. Not to put too fine a point on it, EA's stock is kryptonite for the value investor. Far from offering any margin of safety, the stock currently sells for more than 22% over its fair value.

Let me close by emphasizing: I love EA, the company. If the stock were selling for $40, I'd buy. But at its current price, I'd suggest you hold off plunking down your hard-earned cash on EA stock. Buying at this price is the surest way to ensure that your portfolio gets fragged.

SELL, SELL, SELL you heard it here first its 'kryptonite'. Don't be a part of the next Enron...EA is a sinking ship.

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Thursday, October 27, 2005 

Acclaimed Academy Award Winner Peter Jackson Fires Electronic Arts!


Peter Jackson, famed director of the Lord of The Rings series is now working on a King Kong remake, and according to reports at actiontrip, he's become so frustrated at EA game's lack of co-operation on the accompanying game that he's given the project to Ubisoft instead. The fact that EA sucks isn't very surprising: Jackson just learned what most gamers (and EA employees) already know: EA ain't a great place to do business with. The company is renowned in gaming circles for being the exact opposite of innovative: using old-fashioned and often downright antiquated control schemes and game design is status quo for them. But what finally caused the split?

The article also quoted Ken Kamins, Jackson's manager, as saying that "Electronic Arts was not interested in input from the filmmaker" but had no problem marketing the games as though he was closely involved in their making. The article made no mention of the fact that all EA Lord of the Rings games featured digital assets and creature designs from the movie trilogy and Jackson's own Weta Workshop (which is beginning work on the Halo film). The games also featured music from the movies' soundtracks, as well as the likenesses and voices of all the Rings films' stars, many of which recorded all-new dialogue. The Times quotes an EA rep as saying only that the input Jackson was given in the development process was "above and beyond expectations." GameSpot's attempts to elicit further comment on the matter were unsuccessful as of press time.

Hey Peter sorry you had to find out the hard way. Maybe you can call your buddy Spielberg and save him from the succubus EA..lol

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NSR Watch ReleasesThe Definitive List Of Assholes Responsible For NSR Scandal

Larry Probsts
Obviously, The asshole who runs the monopoly known as EA sports. Tolerates illegal practices in favor of profits and other marketing driven sales tactics that don’t favor product quality.

James 'KY' Hawkins
100% responsible for knowingly and purposely fucking over the public with a rehashed version of a failing product he has failed with miserably for 3 years. Also quite the ‘magician’ as nobody has heard from this asshole since the ‘text message’ patch 6 months ago.

Bob Stanley
Arguably the most respected and highly thought of sim racer of all time. Long time trusted in the NASCAR Racing community until he did a 360 and came out in full support of NSR luring thousands of victims into the NSR trap. Later would partner with Crazygameworld.com (why would Bob bother releasing his shit through them assholes with all his connections unless they were connected some way internally?) and try his shit again.

Ryan Newman
I don’t give a shit how good of a driver he is, his name is directly connected with NSR and he has never had a problem with that.

The now infamous horse’s ass of the simracing world. Used his group of minions and website to hype and spin NSR despite the fact he obviously knew it was a hunk of shit because he tested it (and still does every Thursday). Since is claiming “denial” and pretend to have converted to NR2003. We ain’t buying it again.

I wish someone would royal flushed these assholes down the toilet.

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EA Sports Using Piece Of Dog Shit Software NSR to Rip Off Foreign Markets!

This was sent in from one of our loyal supporters.

I have no idea what language this is but being NASCAR is an american sport I find this amusing. Won't be long until we see a version "marketed" towards Al Qaeda their money spends the same as ours right?

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EA Sports to spend $250,000.00 On A Give Away Sends A Clear Message To NSR Purchaser Victims, "We Do Not Give A SHIT About You!!"


REDWOOD SHORES, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 26, 2005--To the victor goes the spoils ... Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:ERTS - News) today announced the Best of the Battlefield online video game tournament -- featuring a grand prize of $250,000 for the winning team.

can you believe these cocksuckers? How about 250k to the programmer that fixes NSR...seems cheaper then the deserving law suit you fuckers have coming

I guess the producer of battlefield sucks Larry Probt's cock better then James Hawkins..seeing how quickly they got their patch and Larry Probts has no problem spending money on that franchise ...fucking bastard.

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Monday, October 17, 2005 

EA Sucker's Spielberg into Marketing There Shit


He got game: In the storytelling stakes, Steven Spielberg does more than just spin a good hearthside yarn; he dreams up parallel universes, homesick aliens, bloodthirsty sharks and big mama dinosaurs. So why not enter the video game industry, which now generates more revenue than Hollywood? The billionaire film director with the Peter Pan imagination explained last year that video games were getting closer to a storytelling art form--but still had a few holes in the plot.

first 30 minutes of Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan" is a nice thought of what us NSR users dream of happening to the crew at Tiburon (and headquarters for that matter)...maybe EA can include those opening sequences into next release of NSR to warn users away from there products. If Tiburon was in charge back in 44 we'd all be speaking German.

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Tiburon Continues To Fuck Over NSR Users By Starting "new games"...Money Talks, Bullshit Walks (NSR)


REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 17, 2005--Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:ERTS - News) announced today that NFL Head Coach ((1) working title) will be available in stores in spring 2006, under the EA SPORTS(TM) brand. NFL Head Coach is in development in Orlando, Fla. by EA Tiburon, makers of other NFL properties including Madden NFL Football and NFL STREET. The new exclusive deal with the NFL has allowed EA to build this franchise and work with all coaches in the NFL Coaches Club.

and yet still no patch..anyone still convinced these assholes care?

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Thursday, October 06, 2005 

EA Tiburon Looking To Give Their Purchased Superman 'Engine' A Direct X 9.0 Facelift. This title to implement "NSR rehash strategy". (spoof)

Hey screw quality when you got a marketing team like EAs right? Maybe incorperate a 'green day' mp3 and get Christopher Reeves widow to say a few positive words about it.

The NSR strategy at its finest, EA does the fucking and receives the sucking!...LOL

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EA Attempts to Screw Over Employees FAILED, Foiled By Law Suit

OCT. 5 5:15 P.M. ET Video game publisher Electronic Arts Inc. said Wednesday it paid $15.6 million to settle a lawsuit by computer graphic artists seeking overtime compensation.
The suit -- filed in July 2004 -- alleged the company improperly classified the workers as exempt employees, and sought unspecified monetary damages.


I wonder if the 'supermen' there hiring at tiburon (front page ad) have to sign a 'waiver' now so its legal for them to be violated. I can only imagine the corperate fall out over this. Will EA by the "exclusive" right to screw over employees?...might as well they have sucked everything else up . BTW Have you seen my red stapler?

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NASCAR SimRacing 2006 Box Art Leaked (spoof)

This must be real, it features a 2004 ford for a 2006 sim (just like NSR 2005) and a Driver (Kurt Busch) who isn't even driving for the featured team in 2006. In true EA fashion, they know nothing about NASCAR. But who gives a shit about that SUPERMAN car looks GREAT!!!

No problem hitting those superman sales quotas right..might as well use failed NSR series as a billboard.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005 

EA Tiburon Shows Yet Another Sign Of NSR Abandonment, as They Dive Into What Is Sure To Be Another Marketing Driven Piece Of Shit!

October 4, 2005 - Back in February, we started to see evidence that Electronic Arts was at work on a new Superman title. Even more interesting, the company was handing development to its Tiburon studio, which is otherwise known for the Madden franchise. From men of gridiron to a Man of Steel? Interesting idea.

still hard at work on that patch huh?...Right!

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Sunday, October 02, 2005 

EA Sports Partners Up With Remington Arms To Help Distribute NASCAR SimRacing (Spoof)

Pull!! BANG!!....LOL. Some how I think skeet just got more popular with sim racers.

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If I Was This Poor Bastard I Would Change My Name!


Well you know maybe I would send him to tiburon to work for EA Sports. I think any random person could do a equal (or better) job as the current NSR producer.

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Saturday, October 01, 2005 

EA Support Continues To Ignore Users Yet Sends This Website Another TOS Violation Over 4 Letters "BUMP"!!!

"bump" thats right the word "bump" is a NO NO at EA sports ....hey is this word on public television's list of banned words list? NEWS TO ME!

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James Hawkins Starts His Own Side Business (spoof)

James, nobody can ever give you any shit for not recycling..LOL