Larry ProbstsObviously, The asshole who runs the monopoly known as EA sports. Tolerates illegal practices in favor of profits and other marketing driven sales tactics that don’t favor product quality.
James 'KY' Hawkins100% responsible for knowingly and purposely fucking over the public with a rehashed version of a failing product he has failed with miserably for 3 years. Also quite the ‘magician’ as nobody has heard from this asshole since the ‘text message’ patch 6 months ago.
Bob StanleyArguably the most respected and highly thought of sim racer of all time. Long time trusted in the NASCAR Racing community until he did a 360 and came out in full support of NSR luring thousands of victims into the NSR trap. Later would partner with (why would Bob bother releasing his shit through them assholes with all his connections unless they were connected some way internally?) and try his shit again.
Ryan Newman
I don’t give a shit how good of a driver he is, his name is directly connected with NSR and he has never had a problem with that.
CrazyjnutzThe now infamous horse’s ass of the simracing world. Used his group of minions and website to hype and spin NSR despite the fact he obviously knew it was a hunk of shit because he tested it (and still does every Thursday). Since is claiming “denial” and pretend to have converted to NR2003. We ain’t buying it again.
I wish someone would royal flushed these assholes down the toilet.
you are lost pal, and you need to get your facts straight
sounds like you dont even have the balls to put your name next to this horse shit
and a side note, 3 out of the 5 on your list are no where near what you claim to be determining factors for NSR.
bob the most respected of all time . . . ROFL oh and in defense of bob even though i dont give a shit, he never partnered with anyone
you dont know this cause you dont know shit. im a fool for even responding to you
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:08 PM
hmmm ryan newman? he gave input on what he thought the game was like and he played a pre release version of the crap we run now. as for CGW they never hyped anything the users did the testers gave info on what was to be in the game nothing more nothing less just because your pissed and cant have it "your way" you may want to go to mcdonadls and try again before even trying to type some idiotic crap that i see every time so idiot that doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground and with info that it based upon rumors that fly out of donkey asses raped ny you guys. so for now yes i have heard the testers have been pissed sence the release of patch #1. why, maybe because EA will do what they want and not listen to the community. now with all that said all this crap you guys type up is preety funny none-the-less, but childish in its strongest efforts. and yes this includes bashing drivers for thier opionions about a prerelease. oh, and by the way as if you guys probably didnt know dale jr played the same game ryan did and commented the same things ryan did. of course you would know that if your intellegence level was above a 10 IQ. either that or you have dreams of being the top basher. again it is a waist of server space and their will always be bashers for all games like NR2003 AKA hunk o shit coaster. why i say that? you cant rub with out being thrown into the wall or infield. cant bump draft. feels like im an olympic gold medalist trying out for the ice skating team. and again nascar cup cars are not even close to what nr2003 oh srry aka hunk oh shit is. so before you bash something get your facts stright morons. by the way nice site.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:11 PM
Mr.You Suck,
True, Dale Jr did have some input but his car and sig are not plastered all over the game. I suppose he could be the 9 of spades, but then Randy Newman would have to be the 8 of spades cause as you know he hyped this game also.
Mr. Schill;
I Believe your wrong, Bob hyped the game in his infamous 'review'. Made a lot of people believe 'if bob likes must be great'. CGW, Basicly did the same thing only talking about the 'good' and censoring and discouraging any negative input (which there is a lot more of then the good). Now that they were made out to look like jack asses they are changing there tune..of course....but that doesn't change the facts on how this website see it...thanks for your comments
--The Man
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:41 AM
I am just angry I did not at least make a face card. Hell I would have settled for the Jack of Spades. Also you must not have did your homework well or you would have a picture of me on there. Hell there is a picture of me on my website. Just gotta dig for it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:32 PM
I am back....I said I would lay low until you started busting on beta here we are not only a man without a face, you are a man without a dick!!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:33 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:35 PM
ut oh protector of the beta testers is back?..LOL...dude I didn't bust on the beta testers I busted on you can see he is in good spirits about it, not that I care that much but I was just stating the reasons some of the BS is his fault. Not busting on the rest of the beta testers. In fact I am in contact with one of them to bring inside info from EA. So relax/chill
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:22 AM
Oh I am not in the least bit happy about what you have posted. However it does show your maturity.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:59 PM
yah and it is so mature to use NSR beta testing status to attract traffic to your website, lie about the game and treat your users like shit, then haul ass when EA ditches you (if you didn't know CGW now has a 'see for yourself'attitude and has since ditched the 'NR2003 replacement' one).
You created this website more then me, without your (and EAs) failures I wouldn't have any material.
Hows that NR2003 league coming? I see you guys had to increase the grip to even drive...LOL...arcade racers.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:21 PM
hmmm nr2003 one person from cgw races it CGW put it up in support just for him i used to race nr2003 it is shit and will always be shit without the community to make it better. As for your ranting about facts, well, fiction you call facts. Your full of shit and need to learn some things before you go and type again. The problem is you said CGW only wanted positive forum posts wrong dick beater CGW wanted constuctive critisims only that way what ever the community found wrong CGW relayed the info back to james. What he does with that info is up to him only. So now that you are in the light a little bit let me tell you that Crazy for one wasnt responsible for NSR's turnout. You want to belive he is because maybe you got found out by him or something. The reality is you know dick about what happened in beta so if i were you id shut up while you were ahead. Oh and the tester you have in contract hmmm was it a papy guy? oh yeah that reminds me CGW was maybe 5 of 40 beta testers....hmmmm the others guess what community they came from. thats right you guessed it papy. let me see, all time RAM cheater of nr2003 derrik woods and his cohort kevin king. not to mention some other testers that were in bassically the same boat as those two are. So regardless of what you want to think and what you want to believe the truth is out there and it really must rub your fur the wrong way. yes fur cuz you dont have a dick. Also as i somewhat stated before quit typing with those dick beaters you call hands before you have actual accurate information about what happened and is happening in beta testing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:43 PM