
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).

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Friday, April 04, 2008 



As a pioneer of the "anti-EA" movement and one who spoke out against this shit years ago. Some are once again claiming we have a chance to take back our community (see below). Sure there are a few "teamcgws, hog54, and buschwackers out there that agree 100% with EA's handling of the "exclusive". But despite the prayer thrown on above link I doubt it will do any good.

NASCAR has become an EA clone they do not give a shit about there fans. NASCAR has become a bunch of commercials with a few laps in between. No parity and bullshit marketing driven events (sound familiar) pretty much guarantees the above "prayer" will do no good.
NASCAR is more like 'American Idol' then an American sports.

with introducing of..COT, Sprint series, chase for cup horse shit. what's next Simon Cowell Judging how well top 5 raced?

Fuck NASCAR and EA is what I say...and you should too. They and EA are two peas in a pod. Truth hurts.

with that said I still support the petition..I'm just a realist and will tell it how it is.
it won't do SHIT to change EA's mind. Only the good old STRONG American dollar ....scratch that(thank you GWB and your fucking economy)....European euro could do that...and ain't none of you poor ass beer drinking red neck good ol boy's are gonna have enough to make NASCAR assholes in charge bat an eye.

Untill we get our sim back...I say FUCK NASCAR AND BOYCOT...JOIN ME!!! Don't buy anything NASCAR sponsors (sure you old farts are glad Mark Martin no longer drivers for viagra..lol)

Simple as that.