
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Magic Thursday:Beta Tester Has No Problem Latching On To James Hawkin's Titty!!

Volume 2: Stringer Ousted
from cgw boards
well i gave manwithoutadick every opportunity to get on teamspeak and or ventrillo in a private room just to chit chat, just us two. his response was.."i don't have a mic". I even offered to paypal him enough money to go buy and mic and he would not take me up on it. It don't matter anyway. His site is a joke. I am pissed because I wanted my own playing card. But he wont give me one. O well, he is just as big a joke as his site. I humored him far too long. He wanted to do a weekly Q & A session but i have yet to get a second set of questions. I guess he has nothing to ask or say that has any relevance.
RTW Stringer NSR Beta Tester

Ok, Stringer first and foremost as I stated before on the EA Boards if you are looking to talk to men I suggest you call 1800-ASS-RAKE or whatever other sick shit you homosexuals dream up waiting for your fucking patch that ain't ever coming.

As for your chat software..You, Buschwacker and Crazyjnutz can slap dicks and claim 'Victory' and deam yourselves queens of teamspeak if you want. Because I will never ever bother with that shit an officially Announce I could give a FUCK what you and the rest of the EA asskisser's think about that. ..that is...F-U-C-K I don't give a FUCK!!!

Now some may wonder why I am being so hard on this poor little stringer...as stringer constantly brags that "I'm between EA and the end user" as he says.

Well friends this piece of dog shit actually approached me on the EA forums. I have no need for him or any beta tester for that matter. Quite honestly they for the most part are just as big as LIARS as EA and should all keep their mouths shut and refrain from using there "statuses" to drive traffic to their PHP nuke racing sites and stop giving a false appearence as a "notable" in the ever dwindling NSR Community. The last thing we all need is yet another self-proclaimed beta tester preaching horse shit about a game EA has abandoned. I Believe CGW did enough of that for NSR to last up until the fucking exclusive their idol EA sports holds EXPIRES!!

Stringer, I tried to get along with you and play nice. But your obviously nothing more then a backstabbing , EA ass sucking traitor so you can go FUCK YOURSELF as I no longer need nor want your services...that bridge has been burned. Have fun stroking yourself on the EA boards and consider our ties officially SEVERED!!

As for second set of questions....I'm afraid I was to ambitious for EA because once a week is to little time between them not doing SHIT! Also the first set of questions I submitted were basicly the same shit rehashed/reworked that was spewed before...hmmm similar to Thunder 2005 to NSR sound familiar?

Anyhow I do have two questions you can pass to EA sports and answer if you wish

1. When is EA Sports going to start to Wipe their own ASSES...and make a public statment for themselves instead of relying on some fucking dolt beta tester?

2. Since it has been established that EA has fucked over their loyal fan base who purchased their unworking NASCAR Game when will they cut thier losses and give the PC fans back there NASCAR Exclusive?

Last, I will never ever bother posting on any overnight shoe string PHP racing sites such as
www.crazygameworld.com or www.team-rtw.com (or whatever the hell it is) as the reason for this site is not to do battle with brainwashed beta testers...but to stand up for the "majority" (users who were fucked over) that don't speak for themselves.

As for my creative energy....well here is the last bit I will bother using on you as after this jump off a fucking cliff...NSR Watch has no use for a benadict arnold TOOL such as yourself.

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Now that is funny!!

I'm not the only one that hates EA

c'mon Glenn Smith you can do better than that!

I just spewed my entire lunch across the monitor ... ROFLMAO ....!!! he said "Ass-Rake"!! lol ....


Stringer wrote: "He wanted to do a weekly Q & A session but i have yet to get a second set of questions. I guess he has nothing to ask or say that has any relevance."

You know what we'd appreciate being said that has some relevance....."WE FIXED THE FUCKING GAME." Start focusing on the shit that matters. Stop looking for questions from those that got robbed and take a proactive approach. Over 9 months.....HORRENDOUS!

Deliberately ripping off the consumer and putting out KNOWN DEFECTIVE product is a very simple way to get every State Attorney General's attention. EA is treading dangerously here boys so keep sucking up all ya want.

Stringer is a fool. All this to look cool in front of his CGW buddies ...can you say BACK FIRED!


awwwww....thanks guys. I have not been bashed in over a week now. I am touched that you guys care so much. Thanks a bunch fella's

Heard Hawkins went to wipe his ass, and accidentally poked him in the eye

who is this nutfuck?

Anytime Stringer:

Now get back to fixing that "steamer" that you support.

Question, should Jim Hawkins holiday cards be forwarded to Siberia?

LMAO as far as your site is concerned wait no it isn't a concern. It is far from being a concern and YOU ARE THE LUGHING STOCK OF THE SIM COMMUNITY DICKFACE I MEAN MANWITHOUTAFACE. honestly like i stated before you have no clue as to what is going on, not now and you never will. If you think back a bit about the constructive criticism forums....hmmm keep thinking manthatsuckscock because evidently you haven't thought enough. CGW submitted over 150 bugs and comments on improvements EA and James Hawkins should do. Now i ask you. Do you code? do you know anything about coding? wait i know the answers to those two questions. NO YOU DONT! So now you got to ask yourself how long does it take to fix over 150 bugs and suggestions in code with out breaking anything else? hmmm...Now Mr. dick face lets ponder about that. On an average to fix at least 20 bugs it would take at least 2 1/2 months. coming from an advanced coder as myself. Now with things showing up as they really are 150 bugs being fixed is a huge undertaking to say the least. Now to save yourself some dickinyourface for later i mean to save face with the community and not show how retarded you really are quit taking things out of context and try to understand that your not the one being proactive. everyone else is because they still race and yes CGW's server has stayed full this means 43 car field for you oh mighty dumb shit. I think i have said enough and i think you like to hide as to not blow your other supporters dicks to much but just enough that they don't know who you are. YES THIS MEANS YOUR A FUCKING YELLOW BELLY COWARD BASTARD THAT HAS TO WIPE HIS DRIPPING PUSSY EVERYTIME HE HEARS THE WORD EA. OH BY THE WAY FUCK TARD WAS THIS A LIGHT OR HEAVY DAY WHEN YOU POSTED THIS ALL UP?

43 cars huh?...why don't you EXPORT the results of that enormous 43 car field? OH yeah...YOU CANT....LOL

So I guess proper development from super coders such as yourself would have meant better QA, quality beta testing, and spotting 150 plus bugs BEFORE the fact!! Now that just adds even further to the embarrassment.

So what did 18 months of development deliver? Boy..what a dream team EA put together on this one.

You have the right to stand frim on your support but please respect the fact that people who are pissed have the right to be as well. Glad to see what EA has done to the sim community.

Must be a bitch when something like year 2000 Nascar Heat (by HASBRO) is better than EA? LMFAO

So california boy, also known as manwithoutaface, facelessman...can i get the number 8 playing card?

And for the rest of you guys and gals...i dont work for EA, I just test for them. I am a game player just like the rest of you. I wanna see this game fixed, just like the rest of you. If ya'll wanna go play 2003, then by all means go for it. I have nothing against it. I just wont play it.

Oh and california boy...thanks for picking such a cool looking dog. I really like the american bandana. But I will say this...I support James, EA and NSR.

2 1/2 months for 20 bugs, and release a game with 150 bugs just proves you waste of an orgasm that you have no clue what it takes to accomplish anything in your so called profession and that we would have been better off if your father had been next in line instead of where he was ......

If all this effort in making Detailed Descriptive post was put into FIXING NSR instead of Bitching about and personal attacks it would be fixed by now...

The main problems with NSR was the following:

1. Flag issues (which N2k3 Still has)
2. Multiplayer issues
3. League Compatability

Fix those 3 main things, and you have something everyone will play and enjoy. simple as that... It doens't take 500 beta testers to test a game, it take a core solid group of SIM RACERS that do nothing but Sim Race Online 7 days a week and knows what they want in the Sim.

BTW, the Physics where far and beyond anything N2k3 has. Personally for me, Rfactor is the future of Stock Car racing, due to the fact we can make anything we want in it. Stock Cars, Trucks, Monster Trucks, Dirt Cars, Street Cars, you name it, Rfactor can do it with the right core group of people.

EA if you are listening take notes...
Fix the flag issues, fix the multiplayer, and fix the league compatibility. Do that and you will have a viable and sellable product... don't do that and you will lose money to the Rfactor Modders out there that can do the same stuff you can without any financial backing...

i had a conversation with some one at school to day they don't like ea at all and i said FINALY SOETHING WE AGGREE
NO ONE LIKES EA wether it be nascar or EA GAMES SO STRINGER YOU DUMB ASS no wited DEMOCRATIC BALL SUCKER GOD ge tback to your dumb ass RTW league motha fucker i hope you burn in hell along with that gay ass piece of shit hawkins AND WHILE YOUR AT IT BRING A TRUCK LOAD OF NSR WITH YOU!



Funny how the younger and dumber they are, the more profanity they have to use LMAO

hey where can I get one of those cool countdown timers that say...
Only 1139 days, 4 hours, 40 minutes, and 27 seconds left until Manwithoutaface has nothing to bitch about!!! hahahahahaha

Easy there PRO Lash....I am sure EA has the right of first refusal on the renewal and perhaps they will "re-up" on the exclusive?

NNOOOOOOOO!!! God help us.

i wonder hoe big my dick is? i wonder what would happen if we put out this game the way it is right now OH WHAT THE HELL THEY WON't CARE..............the above is what james hawkins was thinking while he was making this CRAPPY GAME!

I order to get any fucking dumber you would have to gain weight. You have already exceeded your maximum density for fucking stupidity, if you think anyone is really giving a shit about your fucking rantings. You must really have no fucking life or job, if you've got this much time on your hands. What the fuck are you bitching about anyway? The rest of us pay for your games and fucking broadband connection, when you receive the fucking welfare check and foodstamps every month. So how can you talk about sueing somebody for something you got for free anyway manwithdickinface. God damn I've seen stupid and then you came along. Did your parents really screw to get you, or did your dad vomit on a pile of shit your mom dropped in order to fertilize it? Jesus fucking christ son of Mary what the fuck is wrong with you? A god damn magic eight ball would be stumped by your utter fucking stupidity. Have a nice day Huckleberry, god truly shines on the friggin retards.

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