
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Is GameSpy Hosting Soon To Be NSR Watch's Ex-Forum Host(If They Don't Get Their Shit In Gear) Somee.com's Web Server?

Forum has been down for two days now! Somee.com is now a leading canidate for this month's NSR Shit Award. COME ON BRING THAT SHIT BACK UP!! Sure I'm a meaningless "free" account. But do you really want to see a forum hosted by your server to de-throne the King EA Sports NASCAR Forum as King Of Shitty Load Times???

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Like anyone was really posting in your pos forums anyway...lmfao

You NSR lovers just can't stay away can ya? Just like a drug addict, hate it, want no part of it....but yet, still dropping in. The LMFAO is on you dude.

You just can't polish a turd.Im not an EA hater really, F1 99-02 is a great sim, and I like the battlefield series of games, madden football has always been decent on the consoles. my point is its not a blind hatred that I have for this game,

It really does just suck. the features that absolutely have to be there for a league to be able to function aren't there. all they had to do was adapt papys gameplay in their own game engine, every feature faithfully reproduced. put in new graphics, updated sounds, etc. and have a great game. no copyright infringement needed.

I too can modify game files to some extent,and don't see how anyone that cant rewrite the code can help with the real issues, flag rules, export, etc.

just my .02

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