
Welcome to NSR Watch

Finally a home for me and others to rant and rave about the two biggest pieces of shit in video game history none other then: ea sports ceo (Larry Probt), and ea game producer (James 'KY' Hawkins).
Look forward to many interesting articles as we document the past and future of these dickheads as they screw over the public with there so called "flawless sim to date"
Welcome and enjoy the ride (or roast).

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tiburon Still Stumped On Patching NSR, Yet Finds Time To Start Another Game!

teamxbox Electronic Arts announced today that Arena Football will be available in stores on February 7, 2006, two weeks into the AFL’s 20th season, under the EA SPORTS brand. Arena Football is in development in Orlando, FL by EA Tiburon, makers of the best-selling Madden NFL Football, NASCAR, NCAA Football and NFL STREET franchises.


Our favorite software company sure is good at multitasking. BTW the Madden 06 appreciated the two patches already released

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The last sentence below talks about "limited vision". I don't think this applies to just the drivers. 7 months and one patch.......EA hopes that consoles will shut up the PC community forever.

On the Track
with James Hawkins

It's time to jump back in the driver's seat for the most authentic racing game to-date. We went inside the EA Tiburon studio to find out what sets NASCAR® SimRacing™ above the rest, leaving all the other racing games in its draft. Senior Producer, James Hawkins gives the details of the key features of the new game.

EA SPORTS: How is the PC game different than the recently released console game?

Hawkins: We’re focusing exclusively on features that fans of PC racing games have requested, especially vehicle dynamics, physics, the latest rules and full field online racing.

NASCAR® SimRacing™ is completely based upon simulation principles and creating, as realistically as possible, the experience of driving a real stock car. Complex models are used for physics and all aspects of vehicle dynamics such as tires, engines & chassis. Virtual cockpits put the player right behind the wheel with limited vision just the way it is in real life.

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